Sunday, May 31, 2009

My testimony

This week I would love to give all of you the opportunity to give your testimony on how you got a hold of the Grace message and what effect it had in your life. I believe that this is a great way to help explain GRACE to people that do not understand what we talk about when we say "we are in GRACE now!!"

You can also testify about your GRACE-WALK. I have heard many say it is a wonderful but LONELY road. Please share your experience.

I can’t wait to read you testimonies ...


  1. I first heard of Jesus around the age of 5 when attending a Methodist Church. Years later I attended a Baptist Church. My walk is too long to explain here but basically I was taught all about "rules for living as a good Christian". Nothing about "Christ in me", all about do's and don'ts. My mother passed away and I was searching my bible for the meaning of life and God and Jesus etc. On 14th Feb 2005 (St Valentine's Day)I had been reading all the doctrines in the back of my bible and trying to understand the bigger picture of it all ... why did God create us and for what purpose .... who is God/Jesus/Holy Spirit REALLY ... etc etc.

    I was reading about Jesus saying .. "I am in you and you are in me" "I am in the Father and the Father is in me". "I am the way the truth and life".

    I already found the "way" in 1989 when I asked the Lord to come into my life. I was looking for a deeper understanding of it all and realised that Jesus is the truth I am looking for. He is also the life. We are in Him and He is in us. The church makes up the body of Christ.

    So there I am trying to "picture" what this "big picture" looks like and I get the feeling of Jesus being made up of all Christians. We are all one yet each seperate. We are this spirit of Jesus moving together.

    Now I'm trying to come to terms with what is/is not the truth. I decided to pray.

    Back in 1989 when I gave my life to the Lord, the Holy Spirit came into me. Whenever I pray I feel His presence .... I explain it like a wave of spirit which is peace and love moving over my body and inside of me. I do not always "feel" it and although it has been there most times, it has not stayed too long.

    That night whilst I am praying, I ask God to reveal himself to me. "Show me who you are" I ask.

  2. I get this "dose" of the spirit like I have NEVER EVER experienced in my Christian life before. It is so powerful that I can hardly bear it. It washes over me and absolutely consumes me. In it I am saying "I love you Jesus, I love you Jesus". It was the most awsome power of LOVE. I cannot begin to explain this absolute love ... it is like nothing out of this world. It is NOT human yet it is LOVE. I can compare this spirit washing over me like an ORGASM from heaven. It felt to me like the most amazing orgasm of love. Every single cell in my body was "ALIVE" and on "FIRE". It took me higher and higher and got stronger and stronger, so strong that I became very afraid, even terrified! I remember thinking of my sons and I said "let me go! let me go! I'm sorry but I have to go back, I can't take anymore".

    The minute the power of the presence subdued, I burst into tears. I was so terrified yet so awestruck by the power of it and that power was plain and simple LOVE in major doses. My body felt weak and I was shaking. I was shaking for days afterwards. I could not go to sleep. I switched on the lights .. I was afraid ha ha ha.... I lay there till 3am and eventually dosed off, but always waking every now and then to feel a slight presence still with me.

    I know that this was God as it was an all consuming love like I have never felt before. Yet the power of it frightened the living daylights out of me. I was afraid to pray again .... it's like I wanted to know more yet I was afraid that if I let go I will never return. Whilst I was having this encounter the power of it was pulling me higher and higher with an increasing force of power. And there was a SOURCE from which the power was emanating. And something in the middle of that source STEPPED OUT TO THE RIGHT hand side of the source and said "I AM THE GREAT I AM".) At that time I did not know that God's name was I AM THAT I AM. Words cannot explain the awesomeness of this experience. I have learned such a lot since I had this encounter. I had this IMMEDIATE INCREDIBLE HUNGER for God and consumed my bible and Christian books, one after the other in an endless stream of seeking more and more.

    Nothing seemed to satisfy, to quench this hunger and thirst that I had inside of me. It was only when I began to hear the message of God's GRACE that I found my hunger beginning to be satisfied. The fullness of Christ in me, all that I ever need dwelling on the inside of me, no working to "get" because I already have it all. No working to "please" because I am already pleasing to Him. Now, instead of trying to "add to" myself, I'm learning to "take away" from myself all the legalism I have been "coated with" over the years, and to allow Christ in me to shine brighter and brighter every day. The revelation of Jesus Christ in me.

  3. Hi Friends in Christ, I think this is going to be an interesting one to follow seeing Grace being One Person can manifest Himself in a million and more ways to individuals. In "my" life Grace rocked up when I was not prepared to choose Him or even willing to follow Him to the extent He wanted me to. In 2000 my only daughter died of viral encephalitis and her last audible "Words" were "Mom it is Inside". In working through my grief I was in desperate search of answers and found One Answer, His Presence inside my spiritman. When I realised that is has always been His dwelling Place, my old mindset was blown away and I realised that very few people knew where He would be found while seeking Him with their whole being. Acts 17, where Paul was speaking to the people in Athens telling them about the Unknown God that they were supposedly worshiping outwardly.... read from verse 22 onwards, saying that He gives to all Life, breath and all things, He has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us, for in Him we live and move and have our beings.
    His Grace being in me long before I was ready to choose Him or lay down "my" will and "my" life before His Throne, the Throne of Grace in my spirit, where He abides as Ruler King and Lord of Lords.
    Before my child died I was eagerly telling people about everything being the grace of God, but I had no clue what I was talking about. Christ came to teach me real Grace personally from inside. His Life in us our Hope of Glory!!!

  4. Once Grace(Christ in you) appears to you, because the world does not know Him as a person, they are freaked out when they hear Him. I found people running from me, while I was desperately trying to share His life with them. In this loneliness and often desperation He kept on assuring me of His Way. Father was faithful and sent one friend in Him all the way from Cape Town to live out here in the "desert" and He gave us Time in Him. It made me feel less rejected and in the times of solitude I learnt more of Him and started hearing His Voice from within. A Journey I will not trade for any other!! To be alone is to be in His Complete solitude Presence 24/7, to be in the midst of others you have to decern His Voice from amongst many voices. Once you hear Him speak, you immediately know it is Him.
    The Way of the Cross is the only Way and it is not a popular Way where you are applauded, you have to feel rejected, and then are drawn by His Love unto Himself!!! When you find Him you learn that He is more than enough! He satisfies your hunger and your thirst He loves you more than you need so the overflow runs out of your heart as a stream of Living Water, flowing from the Throne of the Lamb, The Tree of Life's Leaves bring healing to the Nations and people find the Resting Place when they hear what you share with them. They are able to find Him inside when they quietly turn back to their First Love from the side of the spirit in them. Grace is found in His love for us when we could never deserve to be loved. Grace is Him who Loves us uncondionally, and this Good News we are asked to share with the world, currently perishing because they do not know His Presence or where to find Him( Christ in us) our Hope of Glory.

  5. As I was reading these posts, I was thinking, "Well, my testimony isn't that radical. But the Lord was quick to remind me- yes it was." I'm going to first share how I came to know Jesus, and then how I came to know Grace. Even though Jesus is grace, I was saved for awhile and sat under legalism before knowing His grace.
    It was October 2006 (you know it's going to be long when I start out like that! ;) ) And I had been searching for my life of "the answer to life", i wanted to know if God was real. I wasn't raised in a home where we could talk about God freely, it was more of a personal choice. But in Oct. of '06 I met a lady that loved Jesus. One day after school she sat with me and told me about Him and I cried so hard because I knew that was what I was looking for. Now, that whole week (before I met the lady after school) I had smelled fish in my apartment. It was for 3 days that I smelled fish. And in a funny way I just knew no one could make my apt. smell that potent except for God! I didn't cook fish (ever) and there was no way for that smell to get in my apt. So on the third day of the fish smell (and the last day it smelled that way), I met the lady and she told me about Jesus. I wanted to commit my life to Him and start going to church. The was a hunger inside of me burning for more. I went to the same church for 2 years before learning about His grace. It was late November 2008 when my friend Erna kept telling me about His grace. And that God's love isn't based on our work. It was so intriguing to me. I thought, no that's way too good to be true. So I was led to listen to the Andrew WOmmack series titled, "The War is Over" and it blew my mind. During all of this my friend Erna continued to tell me about grace and I was having a stronger and stronger desire to leave my church. Then, finally I sat and listened to the pastor preach and thought, I can't stay here, I have no peace, I gotta go. So I left that day and didn't look back. I was then led to another legalistic church only to find out God was using me to plant a seed in the Pastor's wife, as I bought her the book, Destined to Reign. I then left after a couple weeks. And I have been listening to Bertie Brits ever since and other grace teachers/preachers. When I look back I think, gosh I wish I would've known grace right away in Oct. 2006, but then again, I'm so glad I know it now so why look back- it's just up from here! :)

  6. To "walk by Grace" is to walk by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God INSIDE us. It took me years to come to the realisation that Christ is IN me. I used to pray to a God "out there" somewhere high up, millions of miles away from me (totally separate from me). Like that song says "God is watching us from a distance". You see, when you think you're a dirty sinner, you think that God could NEVER be one with you. He is too holy and you are too "dirty". When you accept Jesus as your Saviour, you still see yourself as "apart" from Him, like He washed you of your sins but He's still standing separate from you. Then you start hearing the GRACE message, and things start to happen INSIDE of you. You hear that you are the righteousness of God, you are holy, you are justified. There is nothing standing between you and God and therefore you are free to BECOME ONE. It is then that you start to bear fruit, because if you are standing seperate from God, it is always all about YOUR work, YOUR efforts. But when you become ONE, with no condemnation standing between you, HIS righteousness imputed to you, you can REST in Who He is, and let HIM do a work in and through you. So to walk by GRACE is to walk by CHRIST IN YOU. It is a personal, very intimate relationship with the living God INSIDE you.

  7. Walking by Grace is when you strive to enter into God's rest and cease from your own works. We stop working and we start BELIEVING on Jesus. We start TRUSTING and that is how our relationship with God deepens and fruit begins to manifest.

  8. As I was thinking on Him today after I read Bertie's message for the day, about having to believe that you are washed by His blood,I heard Him define Faith once again as finding His Presence in us. Faith is the Gift of seeing Him from where He appears to us, His Spirit that sets us free. In our minds we are bound by the " you have to believe" as a a doing thing, and not as a Gift. Faith, like Grace is His person in us, so yes we have to find Him, accept that He is real and present as He promised before He died, that He will only be away for a short while and then come back to stay( abide). Maybe our minds are solidly in the way of finding His presence because of what we heard from outside, now we are unused to listening to and responding to His voice and Words(from within). I often see people that just cannot believe even though they desperately try to believe, but because it is a soulish commitment of I have to try harder, it desperately fails. Only surrendering to His Faith in us can bring us to a point where we believe because He believes. We find Him and His Faith and then rest in what He did. Now He can do what He pleases through your being, because you realise that it has never been yours in any case. He bought it at the Cross! The life we lived since birth was only an illusion of our minds, because the Truth has not been revealed to us yet. Now I know Immanuel, the One who has never been away. He is called the Way the Truth and the Life in us!!!! The Potter being busy moulding from inside! Wow I see millions of people not knowing this Mystery and therefor really battling, but in His Time He will reveal Himself to them too. Love and Life and Faith in Him!!

  9. I like that Michele! I have a question, when you said, "in time He will reveal Himself to them too." Did you mean in death of our physical body, all will see the Lord? Or did you mean in time (on earth) people will come to realize who He is? Because I think the Holy Spirit is knocking on every heart's door everyday, in different ways. When I look back to my childhood I can even think of times I thought, "I wonder if God's real?" And I believe that was the Holy Spirit. Now, yes the Holy Spirit does not live and abide in us until we put our faith in Him, but I'm sure he's trying to convince everyone of the glory of the Lord, all the time. But the ownership or responsibility is on each person to believe and follow that leading. The work of Jesus is done, now it's up to us to believe.

  10. What I have been hearing from Him over the last 8 years is things like: John 1. 1, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. v. 3 All things were made through Him, v 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it... Remember my testimony about my child dying and her last words( Word from within her spirit) was Mom it is Inside, think on Rom. 10.8 The Word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. When I started hunting for answers, He showed me that it was Him through her being who was talking to me, saying I must look inside to find His Fullness, deeper than ever before. John 1.16 and of His Fullness we have all received and grace for grace. The Fullness could not be floating around in thin air, He dwells amongst us, in us, in our deepest beings, where He was implanted as the Incorruptible Seed, the Seed of Life. 1 Pet 1.22-25. This Seed is His Life in us, where all life flows from. John 1.3 and without Him nothing was made that was made. All life start in the spiritual realm( heaven), where it was planned before the foundations of the earth(flesh), so no two people being drawn by flesh are really drawn by flesh but deeply by the spiritual part in us. That is where He abides deeper than what we could ever perceive or know before until He is revealed. My child was only 5 years and 8 months, but the Spirit of Christ was in her, for so many of her ways was not in her but in Him. She had a heart not of a 5 year old, she manifested with the heart of Christ. The way she loved, was not flesh, but spirit, unconditional Love flowing from Him in her. She had no clue that He was ministering through her being, she loved life, she loved people, she had abundant life! After she passed away He started to reveal these moments with Scriptures assuring me that He is the Beginning and the End, the All and in all.( Col 3.10)
    Christ, Life, the Word of God( Rev.19.13), Spirit of Christ in us calling out Abba Father has always been inside and now He is stepping forward from the Spirit dimension in our deepest beings( His Being in us) and manifesting Himself unto others. If Paul in getting the Revelation of Christ in us and Jesus says that He is sitting at the right hand of the Father in Heaven on the Throne of the Lamb, then all these parameters are inside us in the Kingdom in the haevenly places, from where He comes again to reveal Himself to the world. If Jesus prays in John 17.20 I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their Word; that they all may be one, as You, Father , are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in US, that the world may believe that you sent Me. If Christ is in my spiritman , then He and the Father being One, means that Father is also inside, therefor probably many more valuable clues that we have not thought on. If I found Him, His unconditional Presence, inside my spiritman then He is abiding deep within many more people that does not know where He will come from. Christ is in all, but not all will find this wonderful Truth in this world, one day "every knee will bow every tongue will confess", when the Message of Grace, His Presence not depending on our knowledge of it will be revealed to all. Many are chosen, but few are called to know this incredible Truth, the ones knowing, needs to die in the selfperson so that His fullness could be revealed.

  11. Many times I get called to think on Believing in Him, and I see myself laying down the way I thought I should believe and I secretly crawl back into His Presence and find His Faith, more than I could ever find in myself, my faith failed. I am reminded as I write this that Paul said something very powerful in Gal 2.20, he said that he does not live anymore, he found Christ's life inside of his spiritman, Paul did not choose Christ, Christ chose him, he had no faith in the Christ story before He had the Revelation. All prophets were chosen by Him to carry a Message, forbearing to the ultimate Message of Christ in us. Now we are chosen prophets to carry this last Message to tell people that they will find Him inside their spiritman, when they return to their First Love, the One loving them so much that He gave His life to them, without looking at their iniquities. This one is a hearthfull, a mouthfull and a gracefull story even Faith is a gift and because we have always heard the you have to believe thing, many people are confused, not comprehending the Light, because they do not feel worhty to carry this Gift or Message.
    I am reminded of Luk 17.20 where Jesus spoke to the Pharisees telling them about the Kingdom, he did not tell them to believe on Him first or to lay down themselves first, he told them, for indeed, the Kingdom of God is within you!! They had no idea what He was talking about, but surely somewhere in the following weeks and months those Words repeated in them, and maybe who knows some of them found this Place in Him inside of them.
    I am sharing this as the Truth that He keeps on giving me as I look unto lost people, being a lost one myself once, but now found by Him who came to teach me His heart, and His life from within. I am drawn unto brokeness and do things beyond any reason actually against all reason and He walks this Way to teach me that what He did was against all human reason.
    I hope that this Word will encourage you,excite you, make you see Him in others that you thought does not have Him, that He will fill you with more of Himself, that He will renew our way of thinking daily as I find daily parts of my old mind still with me and then crawl back into Him.
    Love in the Prescious Being of Him who lives His life from within us, Christ Jesus, our King.

  12. He is knocking, yes daily on the doors of "our" hearts, but maybe He comes from the opposite side to where we have been expecting Him to come. What if we have been hearing His calling from within, but waited for something to fill us from outside. I remember after I " choose" to give " my" life to Him, going back to the lady who prayed for me, saying that this cannot be all, and then she prayed for being filled with the Spirit. I felt different and read the Scriptures with a new hunger, but the feeling left, then I tried harder, read more, prayed more, cried out sometimes in desperation, but I believed that He is now inside and not outside anymore. For nearly 10 years I lived this life of in/out and gone as I struggled to live this socalled righteous life. I failed miserably. Christ from within came to show me His righteousness, but only after a spiritual transformation took place deep within me. I had to loose all my preconcieved ideas, my thoughts sacrificed, my opinion at the foot of the Cross, begging Him to teach me His way of looking at me and others through me.
    Loosing my all to find His All and in all.

  13. Hi Michele
    That's very interesting
    Paul speaking to unbelieving Greeks said:
    Act 17:27 ... He is not far from each one of us;
    Act 17:28 for IN HIM we live and move and have our being,... 'For we are also His offspring.'
    Gal 1:15 But when it pleased God, ....
    Gal 1:16 to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among(in) the Gentiles,.....
    All men are His offspring. As a dormant seed needs water and the right soil etc to germinate, so we need the Spirit word to 'come alive'.
    I agree about the 'our faith' issue:
    1Co 1:30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus...(not of our faith)
    Rom 6:17 But God be thanked obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine...
    God be thanked that you obeyed!!!

  14. Amen and Amen! Hallelujah!

  15. Back in December 2006 I was really struggling in my relationship with the Lord. The funny thing was that I worked and served faithfully at my church! It was just a show. I'd been saved for 6 years and raised in a Christian home. I spoke the church language fluently. LOL!

    But I was hungry for change so I went to God demanding he tell me why all my service wasn't enough for him to bless me. And I don't know how he did it, I guess the Holy Spirit, but all of a sudden I had a desire to learn about the idea of "free blessing". I felt like God was saying that all my earning and trying to qualify had been the problem.

    So, I went to Andrew Wommack's website and found "The Power of the Gospel". Part one described this new thing called Grace:) I do not recommend the other 3 parts to that teaching, but the first one was my first exposure to the gospel. Then after asking all my friends if they had any books on grace, I read Destined to Reign.

    After that, I was ruined. Grace was all I could talk about. I've lost (and continue to lose) friends but I've gained better ones. I started arguing with my pastor in my head from the day I "got" the grace message. Unfortunately, I stayed there for another year, mixing my pastor w/ Joseph Prince. When I finally broke away, I felt guilty but SO FREE! A few months later, I learned about your ministry Bertie. That was in January of this year.

    I've learned so much. But one of my favorite by-products of grace is that the HS produces the nature of Christ in me. I don't have to do it! Yaaay! I can just relax and soak in pure grace. I am exceedingly thankful for your ministry. And I appreciate that you only teach grace and no law. So few are brave enough to do that. It gives me confidence. Erna

  16. Grace is the Only True Message! Nothing can be added to what He did for the world. The Truth of His being is deposited into the spirit of man, when the soul realise its emptiness and loneliness we are drawn unto Him(deeper than before), where He meets you and reveals Himself unto you. In His Presence you die, His life takes over and flows from Himself.
    I am incredibly excited about Devabas' response, brother in Him, I have tried sharing this Message with many people getting a vague expression and then coming up with a "ya but you have to...." and everytime I go back to Father and get the same Message to deliver. Religeous leaders think that I carry the New Age Message and some pastors have called me the False Prophet, I have identified with Judas as being the chosen one to betray Jesus, as if he had a choice, Judas as a role player in His story for buying out the world with His blood. The world does not respond tO the message they hear of "choose" Him or burn in hell, because only the Truth will set them free. Christ chose all at the Cross where He finalised the Book of Life, He completed the last episode of the battle agaist evil, he broke the power of satan, he took control over us from the side of Heaven. He is ruling today from within, but very few people know because they do not know where to find Him. Crisis? If satan shows any power in this life it is only through us believing the lie of the unfinished old world before the Cross of Christ. He Chose us, we have no choice, but to surrender to our Source of Life.
    I am not a preacher, have no Biblical schooling so what I share, is purely what He teaches from within, if there are serious conflict in your spiritman pray for me that I keep going back to Him for more of Himself.
    We carry the Message of Reconciliation, 2 Cor 5.14, for the Love of Christ comples us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him.....v16, therefor from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh...v. 18 Now all things are of God who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ an dhas give us the ministry of reconcilation( showing people) the unity(possible) only in our spiritman.
    I am blessed by sharing on this blog, please forgive any misplaced info and only take waht goes straight into your spirit. Love in Christ our Life!!

  17. These are really powerful. I am so blessed with these testimonies and just the flow of the discussion for this is what the Gospel is about. It is all about having one language, one point of reference. Thanks be to God that made this all possible.

  18. WHOW!!! I only had chance to read all the testimonies today, and I am blown away! How absolutely wonderful to hear and relate to every story. Thank you and thank you again for boldly sharing! I am so BLESSED!
    Michele!!!!! Awesome and amazing, I just love everything you shared, and I say, AMEN!
    As I was reading what you shared, I just repeated over and over in my spirit “DEEP calling out and crying out to DEEP"
    Thank you for sharing some of Christ that is your life!!!!
    Much love always in Christ, Suzy

  19. Hi guys, I am encouraged by your response, have waited long and have shared with many who was not ready for Him. Christ is my life, all I ever want to do is share Him. I find people not knowing where Christ will be seen,who has never been drawn into Church, takes this Message and almost wipe the sweat from their foreheads, saying, wow, now I also have a chance to make it into Eternity. We should encourage people to go deeper and not overload them with choices. Being drawn by Him and choosing Him could be concepts vastly apart and having a huge difference in deliverance. Jesus said, when He is lifted up He will draw all men unto Him. When Christ in us is lifted up, He will draw all people unto Him. The challenge is to then direct them to the Christ in them, so that they do not become dependant on hearing from your Christ, but from their Christ! He is the same in us all and He want to teach or rather unlearn us the things that we have placed to shallow in our soulish areas. Most if not all Words and happenings are meant to nourish your spiritman into His Fullness.
    Have a blessed day in Him and do not come out of Him, we are meant to stay in Him forever. This is eternal life that we Know Him and stay in Him. Heaven on earth, Spirit soaking soul. Him in you your Hope of Glory!!!
    Love in Him

  20. Hey Michele
    Would love to chat with you some more!
    If you have the time, drop me an email at
    Much love Suzy

  21. I grew up in an A/G church most of my life, I was taught what I do I become mentality, always having to strive for another level, It always seemed that their doctrine contadicted themselves, at times, leaving me wondering. I started attending a church that was in constant,quote on quote revival, always looking for another touch, reaching another level. Then the pastor there somehow got radically changed by the message of grace,. This was back in 2002. he started preaching who we were in christ, and cChrisst as my life. It seemed like he preched the same basic message for almost 2years. I didn't quite get it yet in the beginning. Many people left the church, because they wanted the old ways back. I am soo glad I stayed. It took almost 2 years to renew my mind to walk in total grace.(delete all the old files in my mind) Not long after that the pastor moved on and I couldn't find a church that preached grace, but I was living a miraculous life. It was as though I was seated in heavenly places and I was watching him live his life thru me as me. On that day he lived my life, so that on this day I might live his life, Oh hallelujah. I've lead worship for 13 yrs and was going to different churches to play for revival services. I had no intention of going back to quote on quote law based church, but thru circumstances, I attended a church. Slowly got sucked back in a somewhat law based mentality. Lead worship at different churches during the next 4 yrs. Depp down inside, pretty miserable. I heard about Joseph Prince and got a hold of grace mnessages, and founf Bertie on Godtube, and found his website and started listening to these messages and getting freed up all over again. I told my pastor at the church I was attending that I was leaving the church, He told my I was following a false gospel, called me a heritic. It was one opf the hardest things I had to do, but am soo glad I did it. I could never go back to that way of living again. Now i just share Gods un conditional love and grace with people i work with and attend a grace based bibly study(a safe haven). Thank Bertie for your freeing message of radical grace(aka the Gospel)I have been so blessed listening to these messages over and over renewing my mind. God Bless You.

    In Christ, Glenn

  22. I would like to thank you all for taking time to give your testimonies.
    I believe it can and has blessed many.

    My testimony

    I was in the back of a minibus simply chatting to my friends when I saw a vision. I had never heard of visions. I was shocked and did not know what was happening to me. In the vision I was walking towards heaven.
    I saw a bright light and great splendour; it was completely filled with peace and joy. Something strange happened, even though I was walking in the direction of heaven, it seamed to be moving further away from me.
    After numerous attempts I became really determined and I used all my power to get to heaven but to no avail. Something was pulling me back.
    As I turned around I saw hell opening and I was about to enter into it.
    In a twinkling of an eye it all disappeared. Fear gripped my heart. I spoke to my mom who arranged a meeting with the reverent. I was then told that I had nothing to fear for I was saved. through the death of
    Jesus, I was part of the Abrahamic covenant and that my salvation also
    came through the use of holy communion . This did not satisfy me and I asked him the following question “If I am saved and Jesus lives in me and all these things are true, why don’t I feel saved? If GOD is in me why do I have this feeling of being LOST?” He could not answer me and came to the conclusion that I was a confused, hormonal 17 year old
    teenager with issues.

    I left without an answer. Within that week I saw a crusade being advertised and heard a voice say to me “At this crusade you will receive your salvation”. Excitement came to my heart. I was so determined to reach my purpose that I cycled 45km, and wouldn’t allow anyone to distract me. The Saturday evening, 15min into the message entitled “Dynamic Christianity”, I asked the Lord that the man would call me forward for I needed to receive this truth by faith. I did not know the scripture that said, we need to receive Jesus, but what I did know was that there was a calling in my heart to receive what had happened on the cross and to make it part of my life. He called us forward and I received the work of Jesus by faith. I did not even pray a sinner’s prayer, I simply said the following “I am serious Lord. Amen”.

    My life changed in a moment. This was not humanly possible; it was the Power of the new birth. Joy flooded my life. I started preaching and lived in this freedom for 2 years. I went to university in 1992. After
    6 months I ended my studies and went to Bible School, where I became law minded. I got married in 1994 and at the end of 1995 I was despondent.
    I felt condemned and not good enough. Ready to quit on ministering I drove to the nearest bottle store to buy some “peace of mind”, a voice came to me and said “Forget the bottle store, go to church on Sunday”.
    I went, Ed Elliot preached on “The power of the Holy Spirit”. After the meeting, I spoke to him and he invited me to his house in Rustenburg. He then shared the GRACE message of God’s love with me for 2 hours. It changed my life. I felt born again, AGAIN!! What a joy! Ed gave me a foundation of the message of God’s love. I did not understand it at all, but knew that God loved me. I started to study scriptures from the grace perspective and things developed to where it is today.

    To HIM all the glory for ever.


    Bertie Brits

  23. Thanks to everyone for these wonderful testimonies. They have blessed me so much. Bertie, you said "I am serious Lord". I recall saying "It's all or nothing Lord". I want all that You are, or I want nothing of You. There cannot be an "in between", for that brings no satisfaction, no peace, no joy. Little did I realise that my journey would be so "opposite" to what I expected it would be. Thank God for His GRACE! We get to the place where we stand at the River Jordan but are too afraid to cross over, too afraid to trust, because what if this grace message is too good to be true? We want to turn around and flee but find there is nowhere else to run to. We are at the rivers edge and need to plunge in, or stay at the edge forever wondering if this is true, forever questioning if there's not something we need to DO. Enter into His rest. Trust God. Take the plunge. He has truly done it all. We are truly free. He says "Come. My yolk is easy, My burden is light. Cross over into the land of blessings, the land of the free. No work to be done here, just righteousness, peace and joy. All for free. Come and take your rest". Thank You Jesus
