Sunday, May 24, 2009

The difference between GRACE and MERCY

There is a difference between grace and mercy. I always thought that these two words were synonymous - but they definitely are not. I would like to us to discuss the difference between GRACE and MERCY. Understanding the difference has impacted my life.

I include the following Greek definitions of GRACE and MERCY


From G5463; graciousness (as gratifying), of manner or act (abstract or concrete; literal, figurative or spiritual; especially the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude): - acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, grace (-ious), joy liberality, pleasure, thank (-s, -worthy).


MER'CY, n. [L. misericordia.]

1. That benevolence, mildness or tenderness of heart which disposes a person to overlook injuries, or to treat an offender better than he deserves; the disposition that tempers justice, and induces an injured person to forgive trespasses and injuries, and to forbear punishment, or inflict less than law or justice will warrant. In this sense, there is perhaps no word in our language precisely synonymous with mercy. That which comes nearest to it is grace. It implies benevolence, tenderness, mildness, pity or compassion, and clemency, but exercised only towards offenders. Mercy is a distinguishing attribute of the Supreme Being.

The Lord is long-suffering and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty. Num 14.

To be or to lie at the mercy of, to have no means of self-defense, but to be dependent for safety on the mercy or compassion of another, or in the power of that which is irresistible; as, to be at the mercy of a foe, or of the waves.

Scriptures that help understand grace are Rom 5 – 10, and the books of Galatians, Ephesians and Colossians.

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Let's talk ...

Bertie Brits


  1. God knows that without Him I can do nothing - He shows me mercy (overlooks/forgives my weakness).

    Then He enables me to accept His mercy and all that He is and to trust in Him = Grace - His divine influence upon my heart, bringing gratitude.

  2. Hi Bertie
    Many christians are afraid of the grace message because they confuse the two. They think grace means forgiveness of sins:-'whenever we sin we go to God for grace(forgiveness)'. That's why when you talk pure grace many feel we are abusing the forgiveness of God and will say grace alone is a licence to sin. Although grace includes forgiveness it is more the influence the gospel(the obedience, death and ressurection of Jesus on behalf of man).This influence empowers the believer, which is through partaking of the divine nature. The thing about mercy is, even if we think we've blown it completely, His mercies are new every morning!

  3. God desires mercy and not sacrifice. It pleases Him to have mercy upon us.

  4. Mercy = forgiveness when we don't deserve it.
    Grace = Knowledge of the finished work of the cross, the Holy Spirit poured out and enabling us to receive MERCY on an ongoing basis = grace upon grace, so that we can live in peace with God.

  5. Grace is the influence that God had on man through what He did in Jesus Christ. The grace of ADAM was the influence Adam had because of his disobedience. I thank God that I can never bring and end to the Mercy of God and that His Grace is unto his being - we can never get as holy as what Grace will make us by any other way.

  6. Man, this is awesome. It just cleared the two in my head. Tell me if I'm mistaken, though:
    Mercy - omission something bad, that I deserve
    Grace - provision of something good, I do not deserve.

    I see that if believers only believe mercy, they are left STILL in debt to God, as they were empty handed before, and remain so when they see or even experience His mercy.
    But WHEN believers in God's Grace, they are left with a full hand, overflowing with things undeserved for! Which helps them see that they are no longer in debt to God, but overflowing with His blessings that He has so much of anyway!
    God does not only forgive, but He gives more.

  7. To a certain degree you are correct but there is more. Let me explain it this way.

    The grace of a negative word works in us. If I tell a person that his family has been in a crash I don't have to give him 5 lessons in fear and worry. The word I gave them possesses the power of fear and worry. The understanding connected to the word releases the power that the word possesses. The better a person understands the IMPLACATION of what he hears the more powerful the influence (grace) contained in the word.

    If I tell you that someone won the LOTTO you will say "so what?" but if you know that it is you that won the lotto it releases the complete potential of that word.

  8. This revelation brings a whole new meaning to the gospel. ;-)

  9. So Bertie, if we say we are walking in grace, does it mean we are walking in more and more revelation of the Word, hearing the Word and letting it influence us to a greater degree of understanding, to the point that it influences us to such a degree that it begins to manifest in our lives?

  10. Mercy is not giving us what we deserve. Grace is giving us what we don't deserve.

  11. Hey, by the way here is another site that I like to use for my studies,

    It is very user friendly with lots of usable information and translations of the scriptures, dictionaries, lexicons, comentaries, etc.

  12. It is only in the last fews months since I started listening to you Bertie did I come to fully appreciate and understand the grace message even though I have been listening to other grace preachers -- I had not grasped the full extend and depth of it.

    I think this is an absolutely liberating way to live and the basis is really simple -- we depend on God 100% for everything -- his influence-- the main challenge being to put this into practice everyday 24/7 especially when coming from a legal mindset.

    Mercy and Grace -- two wonderful gifts from our loving God -- really astounding when you come to think of it! You wonder why others don't see it. Two words that summarize the whole Bible.

  13. Man, it took me a few read, from the defitinions at the top and what you wrote, Bertie. Dalene's right, this bring another WHOLE new definition of Grace. My view of grace was partial as I was only defining it in the God's grace point of view, eh? But there is also an influence of the deathly word/ word that brings fear etc. this is GOOD!

  14. I'm still a little confused from the difference of the grace is the persuasion that a word carries, and mercy is the excuse of bad behavior, but they're both things we don't deserve...hmmm..

  15. Yeah. It's still trying to sink in, but gracious God is clarifying it for me at my pace.
    I think this is why Bertie brought this up. Both are different, and (I think) many believers are just hung on the 'mercy' part. they don't see enough to let God influence their lives 'effortlessly' without their part/doing. Just a thought...

  16. Tell me i've won the LOTTO please Bertie ...LOL!

  17. Grace is Jesus. it's not an attribute of God's character, it is God himself.

    The reason grace is enough for us, is because Jesus is enough. The reason grace is powerful in us, is because Jesus is powerful in us. The reason we love grace so much is because we love Jesus so much.

    The reason we maintain a believer is justified by grace alone, is because we maintain a believer is justified by Jesus alone.

    Grace is so wonderful because Jesus is so wonderful. Grace is liberating because Jesus is so liberating. Grace can be trusted because Jesus can be trusted. We can recieve the abundance of Grace because we receive the fullness of Jesus.

    Grace is certainly not the idea that God is treating us better than we deserve - not at all! Grace is God himself! Grace is God treating us excactly as he sees us - that is, his beloved children and his treasured possesion.

    think about it, does a father pay for his child's schooling, his shelter and pour out his love upon his child, and at the same time have the thouhgt "i'm really treating my child better than he deserves." Of course not.

    God treats us as he thinks his children should be treated! It's good news for our lives, our Father is GRACE, and that's why we freely recieve it in abundance.

  18. That's true Ray, I've seen that too! Thanks Mick, that really helps and is such good news! Now, how would you define mercy?

  19. Mercy is for everyone, because God is merciful to the righteous and the wicked, Grace is for his kids :-)

  20. Oh wow, I didn't think of it that way. Ok. That bares witness, amen!

  21. well i tel u a story,der was a person who was cought for robbing a jewelery,he was brought before the king.He was deserved to be punished but king says let him go dis i call it as mercy, not only the king says i forgive he also says ur no longer robber but ur righteous,dis i call it as Grace.
    Conclusion: mercy wil lead u to repentence but only grace can transform you.
