Monday, June 8, 2009

Miracles confirming the message of Grace

In this discussion I would like to talk about the power of signs wonders and miracles as confirmation in the WORD of Grace. People have a different point of view with regards to miracles, some don’t believe in miracles at all, while others do. Some even go as far as to say that a message preached without miracles is not from God.

I see miracles on a regular basis in my ministry and so did the people in the early church. I enjoy seeing people being healed. The impact of healing has a dramatic influence on the person being healed.


What do people have to do to manifest the power of miracles?

How do you enter into that power?

What if people don’t get healed when you pray for them?

How should we view the following scriptures?
Mark 16:16-18
Acts 1:8
John 2:23-25

I believe that this will be an interesting discussion. Feel free to answer any of the questions above. Remember we are not here to criticize any ministry or person but to encourage each other unto good works that comes only by faith in His work.


  1. Firstly, I believe that, for one to go and lay hands on the sick they must believe that God wants to heal all, otherwise I doubt they would even do it. Secondly, I would much rather live in divine health than rely on miracles for healing.

    What do people have to do to manifest the power of miracles? We have to believe the gospel, the result being that the Holy Spirit indwells us. The power is not of ourselves, it's from God. There is nothing we can do but believe and receive and give. Most people have a problem in giving - they don't know how to release the power within them. When I pray for the sick I don't bind and cast out or even give the sickness any attention. I just place my hand where it is and focus on the healer and His finished work, and command healing in His name.

    How do you enter into that power? By simple faith in the gospel, by receiving the Holy Spirit and letting Him work in and through you.

    What if people don't get healed? It's not your problem. The power is not of you. So don't judge yourself.

    I've prayed for many to be healed. The majority have been healed, some have not retained their healing, others have passed away at a later stage. In a couple of cases, the problem got worse before it got better. I like to "practice" on my family and friends for example:
    1. My husband woke up one morning with a swollen eye (eye infection). I placed my hand over his eye and commanded healing. The next morning his eye was 5 times more swollen! It looked terrible and I wondered what I had done wrong! I had to rebuke that legalistic mindset and ignore what was manifesting. The following day his eye was completely healed!
    2. My husband (shame poor husband!) had a wart on his arm for many years. I placed my hand over the wart and commanded healing. The next day the wart was all swollen and inflamed! I told him not to worry, the wart is coming out by the roots, that's why it's suddenly got worse. The swelling persisted and a week later my husband bumped his arm at work and the wart fell out by the roots! When he arrived home that evening, the hole had already completely closed and was totally healed.
    Cancers have come out by the root, cancers have disappeared and returned, headaches have been healed, all kinds of aches and pains have disappeared. One aunt died from cancer, despite much prayer. Another family member did not want to be healed, said they'd had enough of life and wanted to go. When praying for the sick, sometimes my hands burn, sometimes my body shakes under the anointing, sometimes I feel absolutely nothing. It's not about the HOW, it's about the WHO that does the healing through you.

  2. I myself have been a recipient of healing (not laying on of hands, but via a television broadcast). I'd been having heart palpitations for many, many years. I was watching Neels Kock preaching on television and he started praying for the sick. All he said was something like "Jesus heals you now". It was supernatural. The words came out of his mouth, from the television screen, across the room to where I was sitting, into my mouth, down my throat and into my chest. The heart palpitations ceased immediately. At the same time, it was like something "clicked" into place in my mind. It's like his words became a tangible physical force that entered in to me.
    I've had someone experience a similar thing while I was sharing the gospel with them. We were at a braai, drinking wine (LOL), chatting about God and this guy didn't believe he was good enough to be accepted by God. I shared the gospel with him. He was listening intently. I felt the anointing come over me, I was sharing the gospel with much enthusiasm and persuasion. As I was talking, his face went white like a sheet and he had a shocked look on his face. He said something really "weird" just happened - as I was talking, the words came out of my mouth and into his mouth, down his throat and into his chest. His chest "expanded" and he couldn't exhale, the more he tried to exhale the more my words kept going in and down to his chest and expanding it more. Then suddenly this great peace overcame him and he exhaled. The guy almost cried. He kept saying "thank you, thank you, thank you".

  3. I've seen miracles taking place WITHOUT the gospel being preached. Grace is a person. He is with us. I've found we simply need to command healing. No preaching necessary beforehand.

  4. Thanks for the wonderful response. Really powerful miracles you are mentioning. It is good to see that you are walking in this power that is available for everyone. It’s not only POWER@MEETINGS where we can see the supernatural but in every believer.

  5. That is truly amazing and powerful Louise. To be totally honest this is an area of the gospel I have never experienced and would like to especially when it comes to healing others.

    The earlier part of my Christian walk was based heavily on legalism and performance -- I have had to have a total revamp of my mindset. I do not doubt signs and miracles anymore -- it is just that I do have this keen desire to experience it and Louise what you have described is really powerful.

  6. Joseph, that is the nature of God in you. God wants ALL people healed, and therefore you do too. Even when I had a legalistic mindset, I had a desire to see the sick healed and I would pray for them. God is merciful. We don't have to get our doctrine right first before we can pray for the sick. But it certainly does help when we understand grace, because if they are not healed, we don't question OUR part. A friend of mine was healed via a telephone call. She had a back problem and we phoned Robbie Cairncross to pray for her. We put him on speaker phone and he told her to sit in a chair and told me to take a hold of her legs by the ankles. All he said was "your sins are forgiven and that right leg grows out now in Jesus name". The right leg (which was the shorter leg) grew out about 10 cm. I'd seen this on television before but never in front of my own eyes - we were shouting and laughing and jumping around LOL! If you have the desire, go out there and do it and remember that the power is not of you. It's the only way you will experience it (by going out and doing it I mean).

  7. Quote from one of Rob Rufus' teachings "the church is meant to be Christo-centric which means that Jesus Christ, the finished work of the Cross and the message of grace in the New Covenant is meant to bring Christians to the end of human effort and enter into the supernatural power and Presence of God.

    Go to (v1) of Galatians 3; "You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you ..?". (v3); "Are you so foolish? ... Does God give you His Spirit ...?". It is very clear God gives His Spirit and does miracles NOT because of human effort or human performance or human fasting or performance but because they are not believing cultic power that obscures the Cross - the finished work of Christ. They are free to see the message of grace and they believe the message of grace and faith is all they need - and the Presence and power of God will operate in their lives!

  8. Thanks Louise for that encouragement. I do appreciate the fact that I have to go out there and do it.

  9. Hi peoples, Christ containers, we carry His Life and His Fullness, He walked this earth healing people, but He did many other things too. As He is, so are we in this world.
    Father reveals His Son in us in His perfect timing, so often we pray for healing but do not know that He wants to reveal Himself. To find Him in your spirit is the all and in all. The Healer lives in us and yes He wants to heal us, but first in our spiritbeings. We often expect Him to heal the flesh, but we do not want to receive Him in our spirits. Lord, please heal my headache but not my heartache? I discovered the Healer in me at my child's deathbed. He did not heal her at the time, because it was her time to go, but He definitely stayed with me to teach me His manifestation of Healing from within my deepest being(spirit dimension). At the time I did not even know about this depth, so I could never experience the Power that flows from Him in us. I prayed that He would save and heal her, I prayed that He could have her on the altar, but I begged Him to make sure that there is a ram in the bush. The Ram was there, He is called the Lamb of God, He came in her place, the perfect exchange. I would have never chosen this Way, I would have never submitted to His plan if I knew what was coming our way, but He knew what He wanted to do in my life.
    Healing is first spirit, then soul and then flesh, He redeems us first, then He changes our mindsets to see the Truth and then we experience our symptomatic relief of the external signs of sickness.
    I am a pharmacist and daily confronted by sickness, and yes sometimes I lay hands, sometimes I share the secretplace where I found Him in my life, and sometimes I just give out the medicine( often poison) to patients. I believe that poison will not harm us if it is not our time to go, I believe that He heals and no medicine can ever heal any person, Faith heals, so what you believe is the Truth that will heal you. I hate giving out poison, but Father ensures me that He is the perfect meeting Place and that He needs to be at His appointments, whether it is a bad sinus problem or more serious stuff. Being the Author of our Faith, His life in us, mean that He could afterall do what He thinks is best. I Trust Him for healing, but ultimately I trust Him for firstly building His Kingdom within us. Often we miss His visitation because we are busy binding the forces of satan which He completed at the Cross. We pray for the storm to miss us, and then miss the meeting place in the middel of the storm. He cannot be the Healer unless we are sick, He cannot be the Deliverer unless we are bound up in wrong mindsets, He cannot be the Saviour unless we are lost.
    In Him we are healed, delivered and saved. Then we need to get back into Him.
    We cannot find Grace unless we know the Law. It is His plan, written before the Foundation of the Earth to reveal His Son in us. I trust Him with my life and everybody else's lives too. Remembering that to live is Christ and to die is a profit! Fear of death is not Christ. Not one person has escaped dying on this earth, it is afterall the only way of getting into Him forever and ever!
    Love in the King of Kings in us!

  10. Thanks for the reply trochem

    I believe in healing and the manifestation of the supernatural. The problem I see today is that it becomes the VISION of many to become super healers thinking that it will change the world. I am not against the supernatural and healing. We saw healings this week, I will not have a crusade meeting without seeing miracles and never had one crusade meeting without seeing some outstanding miracle but that is not the vision.

    Having a church that will empty all hospitals and go to the graves of people raising them and seeking greater miracles as never been promoted by scripture. If I am not mistaken (can be wrong help me if I am) Paul never testified about miracles (certain events) like the 12 disciples did. Mark wrote about miracles Jesus did but Paul did not and never spoke about miracles as something we need to chase after all the time.

    The people in the desert saw miracles all the time and did not believe at all. Miracles did not make any person believe, they had to believe a word to enter into a land they have not seen. More later

  11. I agree Bertie, and testify that the greatest miracle is what Christ did on our behalf. What He is doing today within people is the Mystery of revealing Himself unto us and then through us unto those who does not know Him personally.
    Wonderful to share Him! When we do not know Him in this way we cannot enjoy His presence and not share in His miracles(internal discovery of His Fullness).
    In Christ our Word is one Word, we sometimes differ in expressing it due to different backgrounds but He stays the same Life.
    Agreeing with Him in you all!!!

  12. Just by the way, last night I was looking for a scar on my husband's arm where the wart used to be - NOTHING! Not even a mark where the thing used to be. Awesome God!

  13. GLORY!! I am so glad, it is wonderful to the power of God flow so freely and I am happy that he is healed. If anybody want to know how to pray for the sick and see results you can go to POWERTALK on my website (it is on the hope page) it is 3x30min sessions that is power packed. Tel me what you think. We are not seeking the presence of God we ARE His presence today.

  14. This has made me think about what I believe. First, awesome testimonies to God's goodness Lousie! That's great, wow. I guess for me, ever since I was saved I believed in healing. But I didn't quite know how to do it. However, through soaking in his grace and learning about the grace of God, I have come to know God more personally and know that He surely is a healer. If we want it, so does he. It seems silly to think now, what kind of God heals some people but not all? And for me, I tied my works to healing. So even though I believed in it, I thought if I didn't see it manifest, (after praying for healing), then it was something I did. When now I know, healing is free, healing is for everyone who will believe and healing was paid for us on the Cross. But I like how Louise said, if someone doesn't get healed, it's not our problem, don't judge yourself. I think a lot of people are afraid to say God is a healer, because then what if they don't get healed? But I say, what about all the people that do get healed! It's simply the will of God to see his children in perfect health....why would he want he want it any different?

  15. We have had an interesting talk about this topic on facebook. Become a friend of "bertie brits" and read the interesting talk we had under "not so spiritual but wonderful".

  16. One morning Peter and John were strolling through the streets on their way to the temple. As they took the turn ascending the steps of the temple courtyard Peter noticed again the old beggar sitting at the foot of the steps. He has been there some time, from when Peter was old enough to remember. As always he puts his hands in his pocket reaching for a coin to toss into his beggar’s hat only to discover that he had none. He turns to the beggar in an apologetic manner, but instead of giving him the shrug of the shoulders as he normally would have a different awareness suddenly wells up from deep within him. A realization that within themselves lies a reality far greater than their inability to maintain the norm of that which could temporarily sustain him until his resources run out again. Looking the old beggar straight in the face he suddenly proclaims, we do not have silver and gold that will sustain your lack which causes you to return here time and time again begging for more but what we do have is something that will set you free to really live. Grabbing him by the arm he said in the name of Jesus Christ rise and walk. Immediately the crippled man stood to his feet, for the first time in his life. His aim was clear there was only one place he wanted to be - in the temple - where this infirmity had prevented him for so long, to experience the presence of the One who in a moment not only restored his weak bones but also opened his eyes to see beyond the obvious. This was the result of one who saw the value of what is hidden in man waiting for a moment to be revealed.

    (I think the greatest miracle happened in Peter and John that day)

  17. Theo, wow, for sure!!!! Beautiful to see others seeing the other side. In that beggar Christ's life was quickened that day and the beggar was drawn unto Him, healed by the Healer inside his spiritman. The Incorruptible Seed, the Word, in him by His Water( Spirit)was given Life Eternal. Given time and a deeper look do we not have to share more Peter and John moments with others around us groping for the Hope of finding Him inside!
